This is the story from the BBC.
Head-to-head: Da Vinci Code filming
A nun is protesting outside Lincoln Cathedral over the filming of the movie of controversial bestselling book the Da Vinci Code.
The Dean of Lincoln, the Very Reverend Alec Knight, allowed the filmmakers into Lincoln Cathedral.
Sister Mary Michael, who is protesting, believes the Dean was wrong.
Here we present their opposing views.
It's fiction. It's been attacked as blasphemous because it argues the notion that Jesus' humanity included an element of sexuality.
My view is that the book isn't blasphemous, it doesn't denigrate God in any way, but it is speculative, far fetched and heretical.

It does need to be taken seriously - what is it that has attracted so much attention?
I think the Church ought to grasp the opportunity that such an event gives it to come out and tell the truth.
We should say, `let's have a look at the facts, let's examine the evidence'.
The evidence is not conclusive either way, but much more in favour of Jesus being a celibate.
I think God speaks to human beings in all sorts of ways. He speaks through material things as well as through directly spiritual things.
Jesus spoke the truth, especially at the Last Supper when he said: 'This is my body, this is my blood'.

They have a muddled view which they are implying is acceptable because they are allowing it (the filming) in the cathedral.
I think that he is quibbling with words and any rationalist can do it.
I can understand why people are reading it, I know it is a fiction and probably a brilliant book, but this is not about love, this is a mystery.
It is not the truth and the truth would be far more beneficial.
The Church should not be accepting money for something that is not a true story. They should be praying more, and then the money would come in.
To a believer, any believer, what is happening is blasphemous.

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