Yet such denominations as the Episcopal Church state that God smiles upon homosexual behavior. The United Church of Christ (Congregational) does likewise. The Lutheran Church in America just voted not to ordain practicing homosexuals. The United Methodist Church is being plagued by practicing homosexuals, the latter demanding total acceptance in that denomination. Various segments of Presbyterianism are dealing with the same threats. The Unitarian-Universalist Society has long endorsed homosexual activity as blessed by the divine.
These church bodies that endorse practicing homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle are lying to their people. Therefore, they add to their sin of condoning that which is abhorrent to God their deceit messages in furthering sodomy.
While AIDS spreads throughout the world, segments of the Christian Church — apostate segments that thereby take themselves out of the genuine global Christian Church — are championing "inclusive congregations." These local groups advertise in their weekly religion page ads that they accept practicing homosexuals to encourage them continuing their daily practice of spreading disease.
Where the Christian Church should be preaching holiness of heart and life, thereby calling sinners to repent of their spiritual waywardness in order to come into newness of life in Christ, apostate segments go the way of Satan by encouraging wickedness and disease spread.
This all the more is horrific in what many consider to be another End Times sign — "an increase of sin," as Jesus prophesied in such Second Coming chapters as Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21.
All the more that the evangelical segment of the Christian Church — that is, that portion of the worldwide Christian Church that calls persons to personal salvation through Christ — warns practicing homosexuals of their need to confess their sinful lifestyles in order to take up the pure life in Christ.
The evangelical congregations thereby remain true to the Gospel call to holy living as well as warding off such diseases as AIDS and other venereal ailments. Now that is seeing through the commission of Holy Scripture.
Apostate segments vehemently deny the Scripture passages warning persons to abstain from homosexual activity. Instead, they brashly rewrite the Bible in order to accommodate sodomy as acceptable within the confines of the sanctuary.
Yet the Word of God boldly, clearly warns against homosexual activity. If the global Christian Church preached such obvious cautions from deity to the world, the Christian Church could then enhance the work against AIDS and other venereal diseases.
There are those who would hear that message, be convicted by the Holy Spirit, and thus become converted to Christ as Lord of their lives. This would directly involve their sexual decisions. For practicing homosexuals this would mean yielding up that desire to God for His cleansing in discipline.
from The Conservative Voice
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