Kang, a middle-aged man, read an advertisement and went to a private hospital in Jinshan District on September 8. He followed doctor's instruction to take a course of microwave "heliotherapy". After one hour, Kang noticed that his penis had been burned black and was painful. He had difficulty passing water but the doctor had gone off work and he could find nobody to help him.
On the following day, the doctor tried to treat the inflammation and advised Kang to try other hospitals.
Urologists found that Kang's penis had been so severely "cooked" that the burned parts had to be excised reducing the size of the penis.
The president of the private hospital admitted an "accident" had occurred but asserted that the "operation" had been performed according to the instructions set out on the "heliotherapy" manual and it was the first time that such an accident had occurred, Xinmin said.
An official with the Jinshan health bureau, the local regulator of hospitals, said the incident may have been avoided had the hospital followed the operation procedure strictly.
Through negotiations hosted by the bureau, the hospital has paid part of Kang's medical costs. Both parties have agreed to take the case to court when a medical negligence appraisal has been carried out by health authorities.
From ShanghaiDaily.com
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