After months of ongoing conservation between the NBJC and Minister Louis Farrakhan Farrakhan, a meeting early last week led to Boykin being tapped as the gay African American speaker for the ceremonies.
"I came in today thinking I will be able to speak," said Boykin, who thought he would speaking during the "tapestry of unity" portion of the program.
Boykin said that on Wednesday the NBJC, Farrakhan and his family and the Rev. Willie Wilson, the executive director of the Millions More Movement, had a hour and 15 minute meeting at their hotel.
"[Farrakhan] was very polite and respectful. He told us that we may not agree on issues but he told us that [the Millions More Movement] is about unity," he said.
According to Boykin, the "obstruction" that he faced and has been facing is Wilson. Boykin also said that during the meeting on Wednesday Wilson showed behavior that he did not understand.
The behavior began when Boykin's and others walked in; Wilson would not shake their hands.
Wilson was in a whirlwind of controversy when he made comments about the gay community during one of his sermons entitled "You've Got To Fight to Be Free" at Union Temple Baptist Church in Southeast D.C.
Boykin believes that statements like the ones made by Wilson in his speech lead to "anti gay hatred" and "anti gay violence."
Even though Boykin did not speak, the gay community was invited to the march. They were visible with a flag that had the colors of the rainbow and an African red, black, and green flag waving side by side. Couples held signs that said "Gay by God," "Equal Justice for Equal Souls" and "Marriage Equality Means Full Equality."
For a large part of the day the group stood back, but as the afternoon went on and the word of Boykin's rejection began to spread the group move to the front of the crowd near the media tents.
"The ultimate goal is inclusion and unity, the same goal of the march and the movement. We may not achieve the goals today but hopefully we can achieve the goals in the future," said Boykin.
from Chicago Defender
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