For visitors logging on to Swillington Parish Council's website are currently getting a whole lot more than they bargained for.
Gone is the list of helpful information about events in the area and in its place is an advert for penis enlargement pills.
Now red-faced locals are frantically trying to find out how the offending material ended up on their site, and have it removed before the village's good name is done any more harm.
Parish councillor Andrea Harrison, who also represents the Garforth and Swillington ward for Leeds City Council, told the YEP: "I couldn't believe it when I first heard what had happened.
"What's particularly annoying is that I know a lot of people around the world who used to live in Swillington look on the site to keep in touch with what's going on here.
"It's awful to think of a little old lady in New Zealand or wherever typing in the address and being confronted by this sort of stuff."
The site, which now also contains ads for herbal supplements that purport to boost the male sex drive, was set up by a former parish councillor a number of years ago.
It has not been updated for some time, and Coun Harrison said she was therefore unsure exactly when it had undergone its XXX-rated transformation.
Following the links on the ads connects users to a Canadian-based firm which states that its products are shipped from Michigan in the United States.
from Leeds Today
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