"The last thing people of faith need is more pure propaganda and pure nonsense that is rejected by every mainstream mental health organization in the nation," said TWO Executive Director Wayne Been. "We are deeply concerned that innocent young people dealing with their sexual orientation will be led to self-destructive behavior, including suicide, by a show designed to confuse fact with fiction."
The show, produced by Mastering Life Ministries, will be hosted by David Kyle Foster, a former male prostitute; Exodus International President and self-confessed former thief Alan Chambers; pop singer Sy Rogers; and ex-lesbian activist and self-avowed former "home-wrecker" Christine Sneeringer.
"The colorful characters hosting this show with questionable moral character will likely prove to be quite entertaining, as most circus acts are," remarked Been. "However, the list of lies that will be broadcast are nothing to poke fun at and will shatter many lives. TWO will continue working to reach Americans with the truth and factual depictions of GLBT life."
TWO is a non-profit think tank and educational organization that counters right wing disinformation campaigns, debunks the ex-gay myth, and provides accurate information about the lives of GLBT people. Been, the group's founder and Executive Director, is the author of "Anything But Straight: Unmasking The Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth."
from WayneBesen.com
nice to meet you