Now David Eisler, 19, faces a hate crime charge.
The incident reportedly occurred at 7 p.m. when the 6-foot, 170-pound Eisler allegedly cut in line at the Staten Island Mall McDonald's and tried to order a McFlurry, a law enforcement source said.
When a 17-year-old worker said they were out of ice cream, Eisler became enraged, yelling that "McDonald's shouldn't hire" gays and left.
But cops say he returned two hours later, and when he saw the same clerk, again started yelling similar anti-gay remarks.
He tried to take a swing at the worker, and when police arrived, yelled at one of the officers, saying, "Why don't you take your gunbelt off and I'll kick your [expletive]."
Authorities charged Eisler with a hate crime, as well as second-degree aggravated harassment, third-degree attempted assault, and two counts of second-degree harassment.
from The Staten Island Advance
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