Dear Cobra Video and Brent Corrigan Fans,
In light of the tragic events that took place last week and due to the extreme sensitivity and its nature, I have been advised by my attorneys and law enforcement officials in charge of the investigation not to make public comments or statements regarding this very sad and senseless crime.
When I am again able, I will address the issues surrounding this terrible tragedy. Contrary to what others may have written, we had finalized a settlement with Cobra Video and Bryan regarding the civil lawsuit. The settlement documents were signed and all parties were looking forward to moving on to a mutually beneficial arrangement. Please pay your respects to Bryan Kocis, his family and friends. It is time to show them all the love and support you have shown me.
With all my love, respect and admiration,
Brent Corrigan
from BrentCorriganonline.com

I do not know if Brent Corrigan did it or not but I do Have to say that it does not look good for him i have to say itdoes seem to me that he did have motive and i believe that is why he lawyered up.