Desperate Housewives fans are getting their spoilers worth already online as the series gears up and tries to snap out of its funk with new and what one would hope would be improved storylines. The first one comes from OK! Magazine. The spoiler - is - don't keep reading if you don't want to know - newlywed Susan Mayer, played by Teri Hatcher, is pregnant!
"The pregnancy is revealed in the very first new-season episode," a show insider tells OK. "Teri was thrilled with the idea when she first learned about it in early July. Her story line is going to be huge."
And Susan has some new neighbors. Creator Marc Cherry announced at the ABC press tour, "We're going to have the first male desperate housewives. They will move into the old Applewhite house and one of the gay men will just have a fractious, hateful relationship with Teri Hatcher.
What originality! A pregnancy and a gay couple. All that is missing is to bring someone back from the dead for the tifecta.
Back to a knocked up Susan Meyer: OK! reveals that Wisteria Lane's hottest single mother and her on-off boyfriend, Mike Delfino, played by James Denton, married in the season finale last May. The story picks up just one month later when the ABC series resumes Sept. 23.
Teri may be delighted by the story line, but not so happy, OK has discovered, are the show's costumers, who consider fake pregnancies a styling nightmare. "The wardrobe people are actually hoping that Teri decides to get pregnant in real life," says the insider. "It would make their lives a lot easer!" In real life, twice-divorced Teri, 42, has a 9 year-old daughter, Emerson Rose, and has found love with director Stephen Kay.
from The National Ledger
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