Are you willing to give way to far-left progressive judges? If you think that turning a blind eye on gay marriage issue is prudent, a word to the wise: Watch out. For besides gay marriage, the conversation may one day soon shift to polygamy, and who knows what else.
Many un-thoughtfully believe that gay marriage has nothing to do with them personally. Simply stated, many Americans don't get upset unless they feel that they are personally being hurt. The effect of gay marriage in the opinion of many, including this space, erodes our society, and sets up dangerous moral precedents. Can we as a nation afford to stand idle, knowing that our silence may lead to a fragmentary breakdown of society as we know it?
According to Jeffrey Satinover, M. D., a psychiatrist and member of the Department of Politics at Princeton University, there is no more important reason to prohibit same-sex marriage than the effects it would have on children. Dr. Satinover doesn't say this purely for sentimental reasons. He says it because he believes that sound science backs it up.
"In every area of life, cognitive, emotional, social, developmental ...at every phase of the life cycle...social evidence shows that there are measurable effects when children lack either a mother or a father...the evidence is overwhelming. Mountains of evidence, collected over decades, show that children need both mothers and fathers."
Writer's Note 1: To view some of this evidence, go to the Family Research Web site and read the report entitled "Comparing the Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples to Married Couples." The report lists 56 such studies, including research done by the National Center for Health Statistics, the U.S. Department of Justice, University of Chicago and peer-reviewed publications that appeared in the Archives of General Psychiatry, Journal of Social Services Research, and the American Sociological Review.

We have been far too-accepting, in some respects, of what I would classify as the militant wing of gay activists ceaseless touting of a lewd and lascivious lifestyle. Many are afraid to use the word lascivious these days because of the societal pressures to be politically correct.
We, as a society, are far too-accepting, all the while looking the other way as our public schools teach about a "gay lifestyle" to our children. Books, such as "Heather has Two Mommies," are part of the daily dose of the "homosexualization" of America's children, and even their families.
We are constantly being bombarded with images that are, quite frankly, far from reality. The gay lifestyle is being portrayed in the same way as that of the heterosexual lifestyle of committed monogamist marriages. If the truth be told, monogamy is often missing in a gay relationship. These partnerships allow for sexual actively with others. For gays, it seems the word "committed" takes on an entirely different meaning.
Writer's note 2: "Researchers McWhirter and Mattison, themselves a gay couple, studied gays in long-term relationships (The Male Couple; David P. McWhirter, M.D., and Andrew M. Mattison, M.S.W., Ph.D; 1984). They interviewed 156 male couples and reported that two-thirds of the couples began their relationship with the expectation of sexual exclusivity, but that the partners became more permissive with time. In fact, they found that, of the 100 couples that had been together five years or more, none had remained sexually exclusive." Gay sex in its most common form involves serious health risks. "Doctors who work with homosexual men are trained to look regularly for at least 15 common afflictions apart from HIV/AIDS, and we could double or triple the number by taking into account less common problems" (Thomas Schmidt, Straight & Narrow; 1995, p116).
Progressives, it might be said, are mostly secular in their personal approach to life. In this article there is no mention of biblical teachings of the wrongs of same-sex partnering. Quite frankly, none is needed. A good dose of common sense is all that's needed to understand the truth. We all can use statistics and differing theories to support viewpoints on any given subject. In retrospect, one can think of anything when blinded by physical lust and gratification. For that reason alone, the laws of the land must be solidified, and faithfully obeyed.
The institution of marriage — meaning one man and one woman — has stood the test of time plus forever and a day, yet there are those who simply wish to change it for political gain. The healthy norm of American society is hanging in the balance.
As we continue to look the other way, activists find new ways to serenade a public into complacency, such as Hollywood stepping in and producing a pure propaganda piece like the movie, "Brokeback Mountain" It is through this type of entertaining medium that the left-leaning gay movement hopes to achieve traction in their quest to destroy traditional marriage.
from Renew America
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