The following is the most recent (edited) update from Father Dowgiert’s attorney, Sharon Bourassa:
“We met with the canon lawyer on September 30 for four hours. He came in from Rome and is considered to be one of the best. We gave him all we have and he was shocked by the bigger picture of what is going on in our archdiocese.
“He has asked that we present him with a report of everything [Bourassa’s private investigator] has uncovered on the sexual and financial improprieties of the local clergy: homosexual activity, stealing, drugs, parties, and an incident in which the Sacred Host was given to a homosexual priest's dog at a Mass with other homosexual priests. [Bourassa was informed of that particular incident by an archdiocesan official.]
“We have the Pink Mafia under our noses in this entire archdiocese. We need to stop being blind. Good priests are leaving or are so oppressed that they can't stand it anymore. Their names and what they know will be provided to the Vatican.”
from MichNews.com
I wonder if they got the idea from comments of Senator Santorum.