Hoteliers, Bed and Breakfast (B&B) owners and pub landlords will no longer be able to bar gay customers from their premises under laws approved by parliament today.
The Government accepted amendments to its Equality Bill, which will outlaw discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation in the provision of goods and services.
The Equality Bill was initially intended to prohibit discrimination against religious groups but more than 100 MPs signed an early day motion to extend the bill to sexuality.
The amendment, tabled by Lord Alli and Lord Lester, comes after several complaints of gay couples being turned away by hotels, B&Bs and restaurants.
Trade and Industry secretary, Alan Johnson said: “Lesbian, gay and bisexual people can still face unacceptable discrimination in their everyday lives – for example being turned away from hotels […]. That’s simply not fair and we are committed to putting it right.”
The amendment also bans gay or lesbian only clubs, as nightclubs will no longer be able to turn away heterosexual customers.
from Caterer Search
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