The West High senior and president of his school's Gay/Straight Alliance Club is not trying to be coy, but at this point, he would simply rather not say.
Not with an impending protest from the Westboro Baptist Church of Kansas, which brought its message of "God hates fags" to the Central Valley last spring to protest graduation day at Tracy and West high schools.
"I don't want to make things too easy for Rev. Phelps and his followers," Daley said of his cloak-and-dagger routine surrounding the prom's official location. "We will announce the actual location of the event about a month before the prom."
The self-described "hate mongers" from Westboro have made numerous trips to the West Coast in recent years to protest everything from "gay friendly" proms to funerals of American soldiers killed overseas.
According to a fax from the Westboro headquarters, "America has raised a generation of filthy fags and dykes" and "every body bag filled with body parts is the work of our schools."
The church claims that school officials are "irreversibly bound for hell" for allowing gay/straight clubs to form.
The church has said it plans to picket the funeral of Army Sgt. Cheyenne Willey, 36, of Fremont, who was killed in Iraq on Dec. 23.
Despite the prospect of uninvited
from The Argus
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