Secretary Condoleezza Rice said she was pleased to swear-in Dybul, “in the presence of Mark's parents, Claire and Richard; his partner, Jason; and his mother-in-law, Marilyn.” Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family Action was shocked.
“That’s astonishing that that fact would be underscored, highlighted by the Secretary of State. This is very provocative and very disappointing.”
In response to our inquiries, Minnery heard from the State Department.
“Secretary Rice’s Chief of Staff called to say it was a mix-up, that somebody should have checked this mother-in-law business, didn’t do it and it got out.”
Perhaps, but such nuances are Rice’s stock and trade. Besides, she was standing right next to Dybul’s partner who was holding the Bible for the swearing-in. Peter Sprigg is with the Family Research Council.
“It’s not that it shows they’re pushing an agenda in favor of same sex marriage, but it shows that they’re really rather apathetic about the efforts to defend traditional marriage.”
Not to mention the inherent conflict of interest when it comes to appointing a gay man to head the nation’s AIDS prevention efforts.
“If we are not willing to say that men should not engage in sex with other men, then we are really not willing to tackle the root causes of the AIDS problem.”
Sprigg says it’s unlikely a gay man can effectively articulate that point – if it’s still the point the administration wants to make.
from Focus On The Family
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