Bleskachek had earlier agreed to step down, but the city's executive council unanimously rejected a negotiated deal after a closed meeting.
"She was pretty stunned, because it was a complete surprise," said Bleskachek's attorney, Jerry Burg.
Mayor R.T. Rybak (D) had announced the agreement in a letter to the city's executive council in which he wrote that he no longer had confidence in Bleskachek as chief. Neither Rybak nor City Council members would immediately explain why the deal was blocked.
Bleskachek, 43, was hailed as a trailblazer when she was promoted to the top job two years ago, but her tenure has been troubled.
Three female firefighters have sued, alleging various acts of discrimination and sexual harassment. Two of the lawsuits were settled. Earlier this month, a male firefighter brought another lawsuit, alleging he was denied advancement because he is male and not gay.
A city investigation is ongoing. This summer, a separate investigation by the city's Department of Civil Rights into a 2003 complaint by a male firefighter found it "likely" that the department gave preferential treatment to lesbians or those who socialized with them.
Bleskachek was ill with the flu Tuesday and unavailable for comment. She has denied wrongdoing in the past.
Burg acknowledged that Bleskachek was ready to step down.
"It's been clear for a long time that the job of chief takes energy from her life that she no longer wanted to give it, all things considered," Burg said.
from The Washington Post
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