Produced by St. Stephens' Community House in Toronto, the book titled "The Little Black Book for Girlz: A Book on Healthy Sexuality" caused a storm of controversy earlier this fall when parents and pro-family groups first became aware of the books' content after it was published in September.
The manual was further condemned for using obscene and derogatory language. Examples include a section entitled "My First Time Fucking a Girl" and the statement "If you need someone to represent God The Holiness, then for me, it's a fat black dyke."
The manual contains misleading and dangerous information on "safe" sex devises, assuring teenagers that condom use is 100 percent effective in preventing the transmission of disease. That statement contradicts the World Health Organization's recent admission that condom use fails to protect against HIV/AIDS transmission up to 20 percent of the time, crucial information missing from the manual.
Another section on "safe" lesbian sex acts, entitled "How to use a dental dam," encourages girls to engage in such dangerous behaviour as sewing latex squares used in dentistry into the crotch of their underwear "for added fun."
Wal-Mart says the book, sold for $8.50, is "a great mix of real-life examples and life-saving info."
Advertising the manual as "not just a book about sex, but a look at girl culture by teenagers," the book is praised as "No stuffy school textbook," with "No nosy adults" involved.
"It's all stuff that youth need to know…The Little Black Book for Girlz is an important, take--anywhere empowerment guide. Girls shouldn't leave their teen years without it."
Wal-Mart recently joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, which celebrated the involvement of the corporation as "part of the company's ongoing commitment to advancing diversity among all of its associate, supplier and customer bases."
The company contributed $60,000 in 2006 to the activist group Out & Equal, an organization dedicated to promoting the homosexual lifestyle, including same-sex marriage, in the workplace. Wal-Mart ran a full-page ad in the Out & Equal 2006 Workplace Summit Program Guide stating the company's commitment to supporting the goals of the Out & Equal Summit.
In 2005, Human Rights Campaign, the largest homosexual activist lobby organization in the U.S., applauded Wal-Mart for adopting a new definition of family that included same-sex partners, where recognized under state law.
from Life Site
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