Under a review of the city-state's penal code, the government has also proposed criminalising the organisation of child sex tours, and proposes to extend Singapore jurisdiction over Singaporeans who have sex with minors abroad.
"... anal and oral sex, if done in private between a consenting adult heterosexual couple aged 16 years old and above, would no longer be criminalised," the Ministry of Home Affairs said in a public consultation paper posted on a government website on Thursday.
The current law "criminalises all forms of carnal intercourse against the order of nature, other than vaginal intercourse".
The paper does not mention leagalising oral and anal sex between men. Under Singapore law, a man who is found to have commited an act of "gross indecency" with another man could be jailed for up to two years.
"Homosexuality is not widely accepted or tolerated in Singapore," the pro-government daily The Straits Times quoted a Affairs official as saying on Thursday, in reference to why the government has no plans to decriminalise sex between homosexuals.
But unofficially, authorities have made it clear through local media that they have no intention of actively seeking out to prosecute gay couples who engage in consensual sex in private.
Gay rights groups condemned the new proposal as discriminatory.
"It is a retrograde move by the government," Alex Au, of the advocacy group People Like Us told Reuters.
Despite the official ban on gay sex, Singapore has a thriving gay scene, although the government has banned some gay festivals and gay websites, saying they should not advocate a gay lifestyle.
from Reuters
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