The Stroke 29 Shoot Out Survey, an online study recording habits of different persuasions, environments and preferences of males across the UK during solo play, is now ready to release its findings. It has produced some very interesting results…
The Shoot Out Survey, set up by online sex toy store LoveHoney, aimed to compile the first ever Average Strokes To Cum (ASTC) index, whilst recording general male masturbation habits. Controversially, the ASTC for straight men was 62, compared to gay men at 58. Overall, across the persuasions right handers lasted longer with 60 strokes compared to 58 from the left-handers and 55 from ambidextrous participants.
When it comes to inspiration material, the survey found that imagination still did it best for most men, followed by watching movies on a computer. Surprisingly, using videos was the least popular method, pipped to the post by looking at pictures in a magazine and pictures on a computer. Elsewhere in the survey it was revealed that 769 men recorded that they masturbated alone, 193 did it with a friend present, whilst 45 were ‘in the round’. When asked what was used to limit the mess, 394 used their hand, 73 used an old sock, 141 used a handkerchief, 12 did it in the sink and amazingly 43 used a plant pot. The survey also recorded that 806 felt intense joy after climaxing yet inadequacy and gloom was experienced by 201 participants.
The male participants were supplied with a sachet of personal lubricant and asked to fill in the data based on their experience with the product. The initial idea was to test the claim of the Stroke 29 lubricant manufacturers that users of the product last on average 29 strokes before climax. The survey found that this was the case in only 11 out of 1007 cases.
from Response Source
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