From 2003 through 2005, a third of foster-parent molestations of foster-children were homosexual. That’s the official tally from two states -- Illinois and Minnesota -- that permit homosexual foster-parents. For the approximately 30,000 children/year in foster-care at some point in the two states:
* 12 foster mothers sexually abused their charges: 9 (75%) assaulted foster-daughters, 3 (25%) raped foster-sons.
* 28 foster-fathers sexually abused their charges: 23 (82%) assaulted foster-daughters, 5 (18%) raped foster-sons.
Overall, 26 (65%) of foster-parent perpetrators engaged in heterosexuality and 14 (35%) in homosexuality with their charges. Most molestation by foster-mothers was homosexual; most by foster-fathers heterosexual.
Virtually all studies indicate that homosexuals comprise between 2% to 4% of adults. Thus the figures above indicate a disproportionate amount of homosexual molestation.
Dr. Paul Cameron, Chairman of the Family Research Institute, a Colorado Springs think-tank, co-authored the study. Dr. Cameron noted: “These 40 foster-parent molesters, given the limited official information about molestations of foster children, comprise one of the largest samples in the literature on this issue. And the evidence keeps on accumulating, indicating that those who engage in homosexuality are much more apt to sexually abuse their foster-children. Children are our most important possession, they must be protected form predators. One way to do that is to bar homosexuals from fostering or adopting children.”
The study from data provided by the IL Dept Children & Family Services and MN Dept of Human Services appears in a rebuttal to gay marriage in the August, 2006 issue of Pediatrics on-line http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/eletters/118/1/349. About half a million children experience foster care per year, so this is about a 6% sample.
from The Christian News Wire
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