About 20,000 scientists, world leaders and activists from around the world are gathering in Toronto tomorrow for AIDS 2006, the XVI International AIDS Conference.
Condoms4Life decided it was the perfect opportunity to take on the Catholic church.
Many of the countries being devastated by AIDS are devoutly Catholic -- a faith that treats birth control as a sin.
"A change in Vatican policy is critical. You can't keep talking about a culture of life and turn a blind eye to the suffering and dying. You can't tell people to love and care for one another and deny them the means by which to protect each other," said Frances Kissling, president of Catholics for a Free Choice and founder of Condoms4Life.
Catholic institutions around the world are against condom use.
St. Mike's in Toronto has the largest HIV/AIDS medical unit in the country. While the hospital has a needle exchange program so addicts can shoot up with clean needles, it doesn't hand out condoms for safe sex practices.
"It's an example of what is going on around the world and it's appalling," Kissling said.
from The Ottawa Sun
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