Burton Menswear, in London Street, is one of the first stores in the country to show a civil partnership ceremony - between two mannequins - in its window display.
The two 'men', dressed in morning suits, have been handcuffed together with L-plates and just married signs round their necks.
The sign on the window reads: “Formal hire for weddings and …?”
Dan Williams, deputy manager at the Norwich store said: “We are trying to catch people's attention with life-like situations.
“Lots of people looked at the display while it was going up and a lot of people have come in and said they like it.
“We got our display out early but the whole company will be doing something similar.”
Kenny Moore, organiser of gay pride in Norwich welcomed the idea.
She said: “The fact it is not hidden away is great - it is reflecting the changes in society.
“I think people are cool about civil partnerships but of course you will have the minority who do not realise that things have changed in the last 20 years.
“A lot of the time gay couples are perceived and not having long term relationships and that is not the case.
Dozens of gay and lesbian couples have been joined in matrimony since civil partnerships came into operation on December 5, 2005.
Stuart Malkovich and Kevin Lynch from Wherry Road were among the first couples to take advantage the new laws when they tied the knot at Churchman House in December.
The couple have been together for 33 years but opted for a civil partnership because of the security it offered their relationship.
Stuart said: “I think no matter what you do something like this is always going to upset somebody but if the display is presented in the right and way without being confrontational it can be good.”
Stuart said that example he and Kevin set has encouraged many others to walk down the aisle.
He said: “We have had several couples who have come to us and said that seeing us encouraged them to do it.”
“Many had thought about getting married but seeing use made them investigate it further.
“From the point of view of rights such as over inheritance tax and hospital rights when your partner is ill it is very important.”
from Norwich Evening News
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