Monday, October 2, 2006

How Angelina Jolie Prodded Brad Pitt Into Activism For Gay Marriage

Brad Pitt & Angelina JolieBrad Pitt is now an activist and an item suggests that the unmarried mother of his children Angelina Jolie deserves the credit. Star Magazine notes that Jolie continues to exert an influence over Pitt and he seems determined to become a new man.
How Angelina Jolie Prodded Brad Pitt into Activism
How Angelina Jolie Prodded Brad Pitt into Activism
So - how did Angie prod Brad into activism? Sex, right? Well perhaps a little pillow talk didn't hurt but that's not the suggestion.
Star points out that before Jolie, Pitt kept mum on world issues. In 1997, he told Time magazine, "Reporters ask me what I feel China should do about Tibet. Who cares what I think? I'm a f---ing actor."
Good point.
Star dishes:
Angie's now got him piping up about everything from AIDS babies to Katrina victims! A friend of Brad's told Star, "It wasn't that he didn't care, it was more that he hesitated to speak out because he thought no one would care since he's just an actor. But outspoken Angelina has changed him. She feels that people listen when stars speak out, so celebrities should use their status to draw attention to issues."
Since teaming up with Angie, Brad has witnessed firsthand the plight of AIDS babies in Africa, even visiting a hospitalized orphan. He also went to New Orleans and announced plans to help rebuild the area. "The fact that we can't clean up this quagmire is ridiculous and shameful," he said on NBC's Today Show.
Recently, Brad's been vocal about gay marriage, saying, "Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able." So it appears the suggestion is that Jolie helped Brad with awareness and confidence.
Brad Pitt is right - no one really does care what actors believe on issues.
But it's still good as a citizen for Brad and Angelina to speak out on issues they hold dear.
from The National Ledger / Susan Hatch

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