Dear Dr. Shieh,
My question is about the male penis. It's a little embarrassing, but my boyfriend is not circumcised and I don't know whether I should tell him that he should get circumcised or not. It doesn't really bother me, but my girlfriends were telling me that uncircumcised penises looked weird and I can catch more diseases, and if I have sex with him, he'll have a hard time because he is not circumcised. Is this true? -- Wondering
Dear Wondering:
Don't be embarrassed. There are many men that are not circumcised and the reality is that there really is no medical indication for routine circumcision. Some insurance companies do not cover this procedure, citing that it is more of a cosmetic reason.
At birth, the foreskin is fused and will separate with time. Circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the top or front part of the skin of the penis, better know as "foreskin."
Now, if you think about the natural development of the penis, the foreskin may serve as protection over the gland of the penis and some sex counselors theorize that the foreskin is there for sexual pleasure. In fact, the inner part of the foreskin is usually much thinner and contains more nerve endings than the skin of the shaft of the penis and is similar to the mucosa of the inner aspect of the mouth. During erection, the foreskin usually will pull back without any problems during intercourse.
For your boyfriend, if he does not already know this, he needs to make sure that he provides good hygiene for himself. Make sure that he pulls back the foreskin to properly clean his penis. Men who do not use good hygiene will experience an increased incidence of urinary tract infections.
Lastly, sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia, Herpes, Syphilis, HIV, HPV, Hepatitis, Gonorrhea and others do not discriminate. These STDs can be transmitted whether a person is circumcised or uncircumcised.
To decrease the risk of STDs, use a latex condom and choose carefully who you have sex with.
from The Pacific Daily News
Q I am only 12 but I can't stop masturbating. I can do it up to three times a day.
Even though it sometimes hurts I can't stop doing it. I worry I have damaged my penis but I don't want to go to the doctor because it would be embarrassing.
I would also have to tell my dad. So I need to stop. I have tried methods on websites but nothing works for me.
A Let me repeat yet again that masturbation will not harm your penis. Nor is it abnormal, particularly at your age, to occasionally overdo it.
If you really want to cut down, you have to do something that will distract you.
A group activity such as football or even hanging out with your mates should work.
It will also keep you fitter than reaching for a snack.
from The Daily Record

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