As CBN News reports, it is not just an isolated effort. There is a well-planned propaganda campaign at work -- a campaign laid out all the way back in the 1980s.
The movie Brokeback Mountain looks like a big, bold, manly Western movie. But instead of the usual "boy meets girl" romance, this film's about "cowboy meets cowboy."
It is one of the most forward attempts so far by Hollywood to mainstream homosexuality.
"It is very, very propagandistic, because the entire purpose of the movie is to make homosexuality seem like something good and appealing, and to make people who are opposed to homosexuality bigots and homophobes," said David Kupelian, author of The Marketing of Evil.
There have been homosexual movies for years, but they are usually marketed to gay and art-house audiences. But not with Brokeback.
"They are marketing Red State, Bush-country America," Kupelian said.
But the way the studio did that was by opening it up in just five Blue State cities where there were large, built-in gay audiences, so the first showings had blockbuster numbers.
"And they get these high numbers and all the buzz going,” Kupelian said, “and then pretty soon it's sort of like the emperor's new clothes effect: we're all looking at that -- even middle, Christian America, saying, 'Everybody else says this movie is so great. I need to go see it to see why it's so great.'"
Is there an actual agenda at work here?
Authors Alan Sears and Craig Osten, in a book called The Homosexual Agenda, warn about a complex and well-thought-out strategy to make America "gay friendly" and hostile to those who resist.
These Christian authors quote extensively from After the Ball, a 1989 gay manifesto that laid out this agenda.
Many gays deny such an agenda exists.
Gay activist Toni Broaddus, the executive director of Equality California, asserts, “There's no secret plan or even public plan at this point."
But the authors of After the Ball discuss in the book about a 1988 summit of gay leaders in Warrenton, Virginia, who came together to agree on the agenda.
These authors are Marshall Kirk, a reportedly brilliant researcher into the brain, and Hunter Madsen, a Harvard-trained expert in public persuasion tactics.
The two men proposed using tactics on ‘straight’ America that are remarkably similar to the brainwashing methods of Mao Tse-Tung's Communist Chinese -- mixed with Madison Avenue's most persuasive selling techniques.
The purpose of this brainwashing?
According to Kirk and Hudson, it is to use "...the very processes that made America hate us, to turn their hatred into warm regard -- whether they like it or not."
First, they proposed homosexuals and their liberal allies should desensitize heterosexuals by getting homosexuality talked about as much as possible in the straight world.
"The main thing,” the authors said, “is talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome…You can forget about trying right up front to persuade folks that homosexuality is a 'good' thing. But if you can get them to think it is just 'another' thing, meriting no more than a shrug of the shoulders -- then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won."

Sears said, "We're talking about a demand for a behavior that not only wants to not be condemned, but to have every affirmation from every possible point that it is correct, it's good and it's approved."
Now look at the media. There is a tidal wave of gays and gay themes -- "the L word" is a show-time hit that follows the lives of a group of lesbians.
Desperate Housewives even has time for the occasional gay guy subplot.
And a flamboyant homosexual is one of the main characters in the brand-new series Emily's Reasons Why Not.
Heights, one of the most popular independent films lately, has a closet gay torturing himself over whether to marry his fiancée or go off with the man he really loves.
Happy Endings features another tortured young man who cannot be happy until he finally faces his homosexuality.
And in the latest movie section of The Washington Post are these: The Family Stone, which depicts a mom who insists she would just as soon have gay kids as straight ones; The Producers, which features a wildly homosexual Broadway director, and Capote, all about the famously gay writer.
Another point that Kirk and Madsen push is to "portray gays as victims of circumstance and oppression, not as aggressive challengers...Gays must be portrayed as victims in need of protection, so that straights will be inclined, by reflex, to assume the role of protector."
Benjamin Bull of the Alliance Defense Fund said, "Suddenly those who choose homosexual behavior...sodomy...are victims. It's crazy!"
But have homosexuals won on getting themselves seen as a persecuted minority?
Turning to the movies, the wildly-popular Saved portrays born-again Christians as cruel homophobes trying to re-program poor, young misunderstood gays in their midst.
Trembling before God is about how Orthodox and Hasidic homosexuals are persecuted and not accepted.
The Conspiracy of Silence argues that some gay priests are hounded to death because they cannot act out their homosexuality.
And the list of gay-centered, gay-sympathetic shows goes on and on...closeted Canadian homosexuals in Touch of Pink, and closeted Asian lesbians in Saving Face.
And the good, kind, understanding homosexual next door has been seen in so many movies and TV series, that he has become somewhat of a clichĂ©’.
These days, some 30 regular homosexual characters are being beamed into your home by the major networks every week.
As Kirk and Madsen put it, "The average American watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan Horse might be passed."
And speaking of horses -- like it or not -- the gay cowboys of Brokeback Mountain are playing to big crowds in a theater near you right now.
from The Christian Broadcasting Network
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