Office of Independent Review Chief Attorney Michael Gennaco briefed a sheriff's advisory board on Tuesday about the incident that occurred at Men's Central jail on July 19, when 10 deputies searched 22 suspects in a special dormitory for gay inmates.
Later, some of the inmates alleged the search was groundless, overly lengthy and was conducted in a hallway in front of other inmates.
"The allegations were that these individuals were searched for no reason other than that they were gay," Gennaco said. "They were humiliated in public view and during the search, derogatory comments and taunts about their sexual orientation were delivered to them verbally."
But a 1,150-page investigation involving interviews with 67 witnesses failed to substantiate most of the allegations, finding there was insufficient and contradictory evidence and inconsistent statements. And Gennaco said sheriff's officials proved there was a reason to conduct the search because drugs were being smuggled into the dormitory.
"There were certainly inconsistencies in the statements of witnesses that made it impossible to prove what occurred," Gennaco said. "And so the ultimate decision was that it was an unresolved case, but that doesn't mean there weren't issues identified that needed further study."
As a result of the investigation, the OIR has recommended the department require sensitivity training for deputies, document strip searches and require a sergeant or supervisor to be present during a search.
The department and OIR are also conducting investigations into other allegations of similar abuses in recent months in the jails.
"We believe it was a thorough and complete investigation and all the recommendations that the OIR put forth along is being looked at expeditiously," sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said. "It's another example of how the OIR works seamlessly in what otherwise could be a confrontational situation."
from The Press Telegram
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