FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA - The Center for Reclaiming America for Christ sent out an alert to over 800,000 of its constituents asking them to sign on to a boycott of Ford. Their goal is get tens of thousands of people to pledge to boycott the financially ailing car maker. The petition, asking Ford to stop funding homosexual causes, will be forwarded to Ford before its May 11 shareholders meeting.
“If Ford wishes to disregard its values-oriented clientele, then the company should be prepared to do without our hard earned dollars, “ said Dr. Gary Cass, Executive Director for the Center. “Each of our purchases is like casting ‘dollar votes’ for the types of companies we want to support. Unfortunately for Ford's dealers, employees, and stockholders, Ford Motor Company is no longer worthy of our support.”
Several weeks ago, a coalition of 44 pro-family groups sent a letter to Ford Motor Company Chairman Bill Ford urging him to stop the company's aggressive support of the homosexual agenda. Regrettably, Mr. Ford refused. Not only did Chairman Ford reject the request, but he has since become even more committed in his defense of the company's pro-homosexual policies.
A measure was recently introduced that would allow shareholders to decide for themselves whether the company should change its policies concerning promoting homosexual causes. Ford tried to keep the measure from coming before their stockholders, but the SEC blocked Ford’s effort. Now Ford is urging all shareholders to support the company's pro-homosexual policies.
The Detroit Free Press recently reported that Ford Motor Company "donates hundreds of thousands of dollars to homosexual groups, sponsors gay pride parades, and holds mandatory diversity training for employees."
The boycott Ford petition can be found at www.reclaimamerica.org.
from The Christian News Wire
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