The 30-second TV spot has raised the ire of some gay advocates for its depiction of a fairy which transforms a tough-looking guy walking a big dog into a pastel-clad man walking four small dogs on pink leashes.
DaimlerChrysler's "Too Tough" Dodge Caliber ad began airing in the U.S. in late March and is slated to be shown in Canada the last week of April.
"There are no plans to pull it," Stuart Schorr, DaimlerChrysler Canada spokesman, said yesterday.
He denied the commercial plays on gay stereotypes.
"Our response is: Why would you assume just because the guy is wearing shorts and walking small dogs that he's gay?" said Schorr.
"We don't assume someone is a certain orientation by their dress," he said.
The television spot opens with the fairy zapping a building into a gingerbread house and a full-size train into a toy train.
However, the fairy is unable to turn the Caliber into something smaller or cuter.
When a man walking by disses the frustrated fairy, he gets a magical, un-macho makeover.
"It directly finds humour with the term fairy, referring not just to the type that flies around with a magic wand, but also the universally recognizable gay stereotype of an effeminate gay man," the Commercial Closet said in an online ad review.
The organization monitors marketing tactics that could be offensive to gays and lesbians.
"This guy looks pretty gay to me," remarked Jeffrey Montgomery of the Detroit-based Triangle Foundation.
The group promotes rights for gays and lesbians.
from Canoe Network
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