Minnesotans in Defense of Marriage, a group pushing for a statewide vote on a constitutional amendment to prohibit legal recognition of same-sex relationships, recently started running newspaper ads bashing several DFL state senators who voted against the amendment in committee.
The ads feature obviously doctored photos of senators thumbing their noses at the camera, with accompanying text arguing that's what the senators are doing to voters. Jeff Davis, director of the group, said there was never an intention to present the photos as anything but doctored.
"They're parody ads," Davis said. "We're using parody to make the point that this is what's being done to Minnesota voters."
Davis said he'd spent about $5,000 on the ad buy. He said senators who oppose the marriage amendment can expect more aggressive advertising against them if the measure doesn't get to the ballot this November.
Among the senators targeted was John Marty, DFL-Roseville, who said he expected the tactics would alienate all but the most hard-core supporters of the marriage amendment.
"It's a cheap shot. It's juvenile," Marty said. "To me it's what a 6th-grader would do to ridicule someone they don't like."
from WCCO
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