More than 700 gentle Christians converged on the Rowan-Salisbury School Board last night to stand for Christ and say, "No," to the radical homosexual agenda that is weaseling its way into our public schools. The preachers preached, the singers sang, the prayers prayed, and the theology of the church house became biography in the streets of Salisbury, North Carolina.
The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education, after feeling the heat of the Christian community, began to see the light and reversed its decision to allow a homosexual club to form at the South Rowan High School. In a unanimous 8-0 decision the school board voted to dissolve the student club, "Gay-Straight Alliance."
"This is simply one more in a string of defeats for the radical homosexual agenda in the greater Charlotte area," said Rev. Flip Benham, National Director of Operation Save America. "The Church of Jesus Christ has come out of the closet and, and because it has, the homosexual community is steadily moving back into it."
Just last month, "Charlotte Pride," the annual homosexual lust fest that parades its sin in downtown Charlotte every spring, was pushed into its grave by the Gospel of Christ. How did it happen? Q-notes, the leading gay and lesbian news source in the Carolinas, said this: "The future of Charlotte’s annual Gay Pride celebration isn’t looking too bright these days . . . former Charlotte Pride co-chair Nathan Smith resigned in a virtual burnout and organizers are less than enthusiastic about Charlotte Pride 2006. Chris Conyers (one of the organizers) said, ‘It seems as though community support has gone down and the presence of Operation Save America, I think, has made it unpleasant for many people…’"
South Rowan High School is free from the bane of a homosexual club today. The City of Charlotte is free today from the public display of obscene homosexual acts in a public park. Why? Because the Church of Jesus Christ is out of the closet. Christian moms and dads, pastors, and businessmen are taking the battle to the very gates of hell and winning.
"Our city and government officials continually tell us, ‘Our hands are tied.’ We continually remind them that the hands of the Church of Jesus Christ are not!" Rev. Benham said.
from Christian News Wire
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