Professor Anne Mitchell, a report author, told the March 31 Melbourne Age, “There is an enormous amount of anxiety for young people especially, but it was reassuring that older people grow out of these problems by finding safe and stable environments and good supportive groups around them”.
Gay men and lesbians are regularly victims of verbal abuse. Sixty per cent of male and 56% of female respondents said they had experienced personal insults because of their sexuality. Nearly 70% of participants said they changed their behaviour to avoid such discrimination, and about 90% said they refrained from showing public affection to a same-sex partner. “This simple everyday pleasure, which is commonplace among heterosexuals, is clearly seldom safely experienced by same-sex couples”, the study said.
Speaking to the March 31 Sydney Star Observer, Mitchell said governments and educators need to do more to stamp out anti-gay discrimination, which was undermining young gay and lesbian people’s health. She said many of the health problems identified in the report were “things that appear to be the response to living in a hostile environment”.
from Green Left
Australian gays are the hottest in the world! What wrong would there be in it? Just look at the guy on top! Sizzzle...