The ensuing scandal could surpass the severity of last year's pedophile scandal that rocked the local San Diego gay organization. One of the women, Allyson Smith, a nationally recognized conservative Catholic newsreporter who has gone undercover numerous times to report on sexual misconduct at many gay and straight events that have featured advocates of NAMBLA, sadomasochistic abuse of children and adults, as well as investigations of corruption inside of her own religious denomination, spoke with the James Hartline Report after she went undercover inside of the 2006 San Diego Gay Pride Parade and Festival.
Smith attended the parade and festival and was seeking to determine if the San Diego LGBT Pride organization was still allowing the same amount of sexually explicit materials and events as the group had allowed in year's past. For a veteran of many of these type of events, even Smith said she was absolutely repulsed at what she observed and photographed during this year's annual gay and lesbian festival.
In an August 3, 2006 interview with the reporter, Smith told the James Hartline Report, that she entered a sadomasochistic tent at the Gay Pride Festival called the Leather Realm. Smith said that what she saw, both shocked and repulsed her. "A women was strapped to an object that looked like a giant spider web with 'spider-like' figures attached to the web," said a grieved Smith. "Her pants were pulled down, exposing her underwear. Women were then taking turns with a wooden paddle and beating the victim on her buttocks and surrounding area." Smith said she became so repulsed that she had to leave that part of the Leather Realm demonstration area, but returned ten minutes later, only to find the same woman still tied up, and was further being beaten with the paddle.
Smith stated, "After ten minutes, the girl was still being hit with the paddle, only this time there were large red welts swelling up on her skin from being hit so many times." Smith also stated that one women in the tent had her breasts completely exposed with no clothing covering them. Shockingly, while Smith states that a sign was posted at the entrance to the Leather Realm alledgedly forbidding those under eighteen from entering the venue, she said that she never saw anyone checking for identification to verify whether minors were coming and going inside. Taking photographs inside of the Leather Realm were banned by the coordinators of the sexually degrading venue. That did not stop the James Hartline Report from obtaining pictures posted on the internet of those who did take photos at the Leather Realm.
A warning: pictures contained in this article are very disturbing, but necessary for documentation purposes. The following photographs were obtained from an online photo album taken at the 2006 San Diego Gay Pride Festival in Balboa Park.
Clearly, several photographs posted on this website feature young people appearing to be under eighteen years of age staring in shock at a man who had his buttocks completely exposed. Calling the pictoral collection "Staples at San Diego Pride '06", the website describes how a woman named "Daddy Karen" shot staples from a staple gun into this man's torso inside of the Leather Realm. Chains were then hung from the stapled wounds inflicted upon the willing victim. It is worth noting that in this first photo, the Viejas Indian Casino booth with purple roof can clearly be seen near the exposed male. This pornographic picture demonstrates that there was no barracade erected inside of the San Diego Gay Pride area to segregate attending and unescorted youth from seeing the sexually degrading performers.

The Following Disturbing Photographs Are What The City Of San DiegoApproved To Occur In Balboa Park. This Is What The San Diego City Council,And Mayor Jerry Sanders Endorsed For The Families Of San Diego.
What appears to be young teenagers looking at this exposedman who had been shot full of staples from a staple guninside of the Leather Realm at the 2006 San Diego Gay Pride Festival. There is no barrior to prevent any childfrom walking by and seeing this degrading behavior.This is what the San Diego City Councilvoted to have the City of San Diego celebrate during San Diego Gay Pride Week.Note the public is freely walking by,including minors to see this nearly naked man.All of the man's ropes and chains have been attached topunctured holes in his skin where a staple gun shot staplesinto his body during an "educational" class inside of theLeather Realm during San Diego's 2006 Gay Pride Festivalendorsed by Republican Councilman Brian Maienschein,Republican Councilman Kevin Faulconer, Republican Councilman Jim Madaffer and Democratic CouncilmanTony Young, all four who claim to be Christians.
Lindsey who calls himself "Papa Tony" isone of the ascribed leaders of the San Diego League of Gentlemen, a verydisturbing gay S & M leather sex groupthat helped coordinate the Leather Realm. The San Diego S & M leather sex leaders were out in full force mixing with minors and other vulnerable citizens who went into the 2006 San Diego Gay Pride Parade and Festival. Tony Lindsey is one of those leaders and his hostility to Christianity and Catholics is so pronounced that he allowed a group of men who mock the Catholic Church called the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" to conduct a pagan ritual on their Gay Pride float prior to the parade. Lindsey posted the photographs of his sadistic parade ritual on his website Papy Tony Web .
The attacks on the Catholic Church by the degrading images presented during the transvesite nun's ritual is especially distressing for Allyson Smith, a long time Catholic Churchmember. Smith cries, "I don't know how they can claim to be discriminated against all of the time (referring to gays and lesbians) while they attack my faith and my church with the approval of the city of San Diego endorsing it. It is absolute hypocrisy on the city council's part and a violation of their own laws." Smith, who recently lost a beloved sister, had honored her at an East County Catholic Parish memorial. "It is just very, very painful to see these sadistic men dress up as sisters of my faith and mock and spit on them, much less do it with the approval of the city of San Diego."
from The Conservative Voice
Well the 'nuns' just look like badly made up drag queens to be honest. As for the leathermen walking around trhe crowd. We have that issue here as well. Often one segment of the community wants an adult theme while the organizers want a family theme and here you can see the result of tryin to mesh the two but they're so diff and extreme that it goes over badly. Here in Halifax NS we do the family version tho we do have 4 (well 4 last year) who went around in leather n chaps with they're butts exposed but that was tolerable (even tho they were old and most of us didn't want to see their butts). The more 'adult' entertainment is left to the clubs at night where there are doormen to check people coming in. As to the event that Mrs. Smith stumbled upon well....I do think they should've had barriers (like we do between alcohol tents) and security to card youngsters for one. As for the S&M, you'd be surprised how many straight people are interested in that sort of thing as per example: every club I know of is about 60% straight vs 30% bi and 10% gay/lesbian. So it probably had an awfully lot of 'quiet' support. The beating until there's welts with a paddle is incredible common (esp in frat hazes) and is actually the desired result, so I imagine the women was a sadist and was enjoying herself tho doin so at an all ages parade in broad daylight is a lil much. I know of worse tho I haven't seen it. Personally they should divide the parade. March in one direction as a family/general populace parade, have a concert and events that won't shock (like a drag queen concert maybe) and save the sexual inspired floats for an evening parade in the opposite direction where they can express their mardi-gras/carnivale desires without scarring the general public. Afterall, you want to improve tolerance not shock people!