A sailor at Groton's Naval Submarine School is challenging that policy.
He want's to stay in the Navy despite publically admitting he's gay.
19-year-old John Graff realizes he can do more to change policy out of the Navy than he can in it.
In fact, as soon as he told his commanding officer he was gay he pretty much ensured his discharge.
For eight months, the military did not ask and John Graff did not tell.
"I've been out to my friends and peers in the Navy for a week. I've been out to the command for a little over a day," says Graff.
Graff's decision to come out has most likely sunk his boyhood dream of serving on a submarine. He enlisted in the Navy this past June and had planned to keep his secret.
Graff says,"Hiding who I really am is contrary to what they teach you in the Navy. The core values of the Navy are honor, courage, and commmitment."
Graff would like to finish submarine school but as an openly gay man.
Folks here at the sub base say because this is a personal matter they cannot talk about Graff's meeting with his commanding officers. We were told though once a declaration is made it triggers an adminstrative procedure which ends in discharge.
So for this soon to be ex-sailor there is a new mission.
"Once I'm finally out of the Navy fully discharged I'm gonna make it a point to see that don't ask don't tell is repealed," says Graff.
And he has started with Groton's town committee where he found some support.
Betsy Moukawsher, Democratic Town Chair, says,"This policy promotes people in lying. It's hypocritical."
Graff must now submit a written resolution to the committee which if approved could be sent to Hartford lawmakers and the state's Congressional delegation.
Moukwasher says,"The Navy works on directives from Congress so that's the way to work with the military."
Graff says he is speaking out for himself and those who cannot if they want to remain in the silent service.
Graff says,"Nothing's ever gonna change if no one say anything or does anything."
Graff says when the Pentagon's don't ask don't tell policy is repealed, he will seriously consider rejoinnig the Navy.
from WTNH
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