Drug Foundation executive director Ross Bell made the comments after the Advertising Standards Complaints Board ruled against "A-Class" party pills promoters Advanced Herbal Supplements who produced three billboards advertising party pills and each depicting the aftermath of male rape in prison.
The billboards all showed a scene inside a jail cell - including bloody and soiled underwear, with the slogan "Legal party pills - because jail sux".
While several complainants said the allusion to a rape scene was inappropriate and in poor taste to use to sell party pills, Mr Bell said the advertisements should not have been allowed on billboards in the first place.
The board unanimously agreed the advertisements contained graphics of an "extremely disturbing nature and were likely to cause offence".
The board also acknowledged the promotion of party pills was banned in newspapers, magazines, television and radio but not on billboards.
Mr Bell said evidence showed alcohol advertising enticed young people, who could not legally drink, to try alcohol.
"It follows that party pill advertising attracts increased use among underage people so this should be strongly discouraged."
The cracking down on the marketing of tobacco products had been a key tool to reduce smoking rates, he said.
"While party pills do not pose the same public health problems as tobacco, we should take a precautionary approach to ensure these products are not marketed to young people."
Mr Bell said the Ministry of Health should implement new regulations over the advertising of party pills, especially billboards and points of sale at dairies.
"It's been eight months since Parliament passed amendments to the Misuse of Drugs Act allowing for advertising restrictions.
"This is time enough, we need tighter controls on advertising now to give the new amendments a chance to work," he said.
from The New Zealand Herald
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