However, something looms that could sabotage that honor for Clay and his hordes of loyal followers ('Claymates'). After telling The National Enquirer last month he had unprotected sex with American Idol singer Clay Aiken, former U.S. Army Green Beret John Paulus generated quite a frenzy with his perfectly timed arrival in NYC, talking with the New York Post's Page Six and being ushered to Howard Stern's morning radio show by porn impresario Michael Lucas not that long ago.
In a press statement about Paulus's claim that Aiken allegedly pressured him not to use a condom during sex, Lucas said, "I urge the community to support Mr. Paulus as he joins me in the fight against unsafe, bareback sex."
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The supermarket tabloid National Enquirer carried what it called an exclusive interview with the Paulus, a 38-year old former Army Ranger. Paulus proceeded to tell the Enquirer that he met Aiken just before Christmas on the internet.
"On Dec. 16, using the screen name of 'valleyprettyboy,' Clay sent me his first instant message," Paulus claims in the magazine.
Paulus says the two arranged to meet at a North Carolina hotel and that he spent the night engaged in unprotected sex with the 'American Idol' Phenom.
He also claims that in the morning Aiken asked him to be his secret boyfriend.
"Clay told me that he just came out of the closet to his mother and a few close friends last year ... I hope he comes out of the closet because he'd be a great role model for the gay man," Paulus is quoted as saying.
The Enquirer also claims that Paulus saved text messages the two exchanged and that he passed a lie-detector test. The magazine also alleges that Paulus saved a washcloth that contains Aiken's DNA.
The New York Daily News reported that it had contacted Paulus and that he "swore he wasn't going to sell out singer Clay Aiken ... They couldn't pay me enough to have my pics on the supermarket stand," he told The paper at the time.
"I am not the type of guy that would make life difficult for anyone."
Aiken's publicist so far has declined to comment on the reports.
Rumors about Aiken's sexuality first surfaced when he appeared on "American Idol" but he has always maintained he is straight.
Fans claim that Clay was seen in a completely different part of the world on that day and Paulus' portrayal is inconsistant.
In other lunacy aimed at throwing dirt on the golden-voiced performer, nine former fans of the American Idol star are reportedly moving ahead with threats to sue his record label bosses for false advertising. The one-time devotees were reportedly 'shocked' by recent tabloid claims and they have filed a Federal Trade Commission complaint against executives at RCA and Sony/BMG, alleging they were duped in marketing and promotional campaigns.
A spokeswoman for the group says, "As consumers, we feel ripped off. It is obvious now that the private Clay is very different from the manufactured packaged public Clay that was marketed to us," according to published reports.
Have you ever heard of anything more ridiculous in all your life? Aiken's buttery voice hasn't changed, nor has his ability to charm. His sexuality is none of anyone's damn business. I'm a conservative Christian who happens to think homosexuality is misguided, but it's an opinion and I do not have a right to offer it unless asked.
Aiken's sexuality is irrelevant, especially when it comes to receiving an accolade for being a dynamic vocalist hitting home a compelling message. He's not a priest or pastor, he's a singer.
Alas all of this could have a misguided impact on his ability to sell albums, get gigs and most of all be deprived of receiving certain accolades. This world is unfortunately very wobbly right now and I just hope the GMA doesn't buckle under pressure.
This guy Paulus sounds like a real dirt bag and while his claims are somewhat old, they will come to the forefront yet again over the next few weeks leading up to the GMA's.
from The Post Chronicle
This story is half truthful. What happened was John promised Clay a date with the gorgeous and perfect Aria Giovanni (who happens to be an adult star) Clay had pictures of her on his computer (even people who know Clay have said she was on his desktop at one time). They were gonna meet at a hotel because Aria was flying in. Aria (who like Clay, swings both ways) couldn't make it because her husband said she couldn't get involved with Clay (I guess he felt threatened by him or something) I guess John arranged everything. Clay talked to both Aria and John online but never met them in person. John was the only one who could make it that day. Clay told people that he really knew that he liked both men and women and was "bisexual" for the past two years and denied being "gay" but never denied being "bisexual" so if you think John is lying about the entire story, you are wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe fanwars between the Idols never ends. Clay outsold Kelly, Ruben, Fantasia and all of the rest. Kelly is doing well now but Clay's sophomore CD is about to be launched. Some people desperately want him to lose his fans before he can eclipse the winners again. The misconception is that all of his fans are homophobic christian old ladies. This strategy might have worked if it were true. The reality is that they have bonded even closer if that is possible. Clay started out as the one that was robbed of the title, if he is attacked the fans just get more protective. I have been to some of the fansites. The majority is female but not all by any means. The men have their own site and there are plenty of them. The fans aren't buying this story at all.
ReplyDeleteDon't try to label me as juvenile. I'm a lot more familiar with him than any of you. This alleged encounter never happened and all of the speculation in the world won't prove it. There is no smoking gun. Clay might be gay and he might not. That isn't the issue. Follow the money. Who has a dog in this hunt? Paulus, Perez, Lucas and any other anonymous guy that jumps on the bandwagon saying, "Me, too." Let's not forget the militant gays that "out" stars for sport and the bloggers and gossip writers that make money on hits. Perez has profited from this story. Paulus is a willing patsy that gets a new car, a trip to NY and a porn career out of it so far. He is the weapon to try to bring Clay down but Clay's sexuality is not the main focus, it's the fans. Someone wants him to lose his fans. Paulus's story is so inconsistant and full of holes that he should be embarrassed. Acting is not his strong suit so it's a good thing it isn't required in the porn industry.